Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer
Tracy Sweeney
The Village of Dannemora Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for enforcing local laws and regulations related to building, zoning, and property maintenance to ensure that the village's buildings and properties are safe, secure, and comply with all applicable codes and regulations.
The primary mission is to promote public health and safety by enforcing the village's building codes and zoning ordinances. The department may also work closely with other local and state agencies to ensure that the village meets all applicable regulations and standards.
The Village of Dannemora Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for a variety of tasks, including inspecting buildings and properties for code violations, issuing permits for construction and renovations, and responding to complaints related to property maintenance and zoning issues. The Code Enforcement Officer may also work with property owners to address any violations and provide guidance on how to bring their properties into compliance with local codes and regulations.
Office Hours: Mondays from 3:00-5:00pm
April through September (building months)
Permits (click to download document)
Village Code​
Village of Dannemora Zoning Map
NOTE: There is an annual burning ban from March 15 to May 15 each year where open fires are not permitted in the Village of Dannemora. Fines and court appearances may be required with failure to abide by this law. Open burning permits ($10) are required in order to have any open fires in the Village.